What is a great “place” to work today?

We already learned a new way of working but in 2022, even more companies will operate hybrid and the percentage of remote work is even increasing. With this more challenges are visible like higher level of burnouts, frustration given poor digital employee experience or the lack of communication.
The Future of Work is not yet defined, and we start the new year with fine-tuning corporate communicative efforts while transitioning fully to hybrid. In running our offsite location @FriesThinkLand for longer than a year now we learned and can see the high impact of personal touch which has been an underestimated component in going hybrid. We have seen highly engaged teams after co-working and co-living together for a short week. While arriving as strangers, good companions are leaving the estate who are committed to the same corporate strategy and share the urgency of actions to be completed.
So better to choose your best summer offsite meeting place now and embed co-working and co-living into your operating model.