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Cross Bearing – Kreuzpeilung


Does it make sense to open a Co-Working and Co-Living Location in the middle of a pandemic crisis?

Does it make sense to open a Co-Working and Co-Living Location in the middle of a pandemic crisis? I of course created the vision and plan long time bevor but after having construction completed, I had some doubts to open the newly restored business lodge in the middle of a crisis. In being a sailor, I know that occasionally a Cross Bearing is necessary and not only on the ocean one should occasionally determine one’s destination.

The result is: WE ARE OPEN. And let me quote a phrase on a saying going back to Michelangelo: “The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.”

In that sense, join us in our trial period until August 28th followed by a grand opening on August 30th. Booking is possible immediately with 10 guest rooms ready for overnight stays, an inspiring workshop location in the old farmhouse, designed for 20-25 participants, an Event Kitchen, and some cosy meeting places inside and outside. 3 Digital Boards so support creative thinking sessions with digital whiteboard functions and full PC connectivity.